Thursday, March 24, 2016

Birthday fun for companion

4/23/2016Hola Familia!
So, today is my pday. Now, temple day is your pday, so today is my pday after the temple, but next week it'll be Monday again.

Anyway, it's been a great week! So, where to start? Well, we started the new Easter initiative, I'm assuming you've all seen it, and thus we received the new pass along cards! We were in charge of separating them all and getting them to our zone, so we took advantage of having tons of cards and took some pictures haha.

Then, we had intercambios with the Hermanas from Azuqueca. They are in a trio, so that was interesting doing intercambios, have to say that was a first, but it was soooo fun! Well, anyway, I was with Hermana Butler and Hermana Keller. Hermana Butler 
Hermana Butler
is from Scotland, but lives here in Spain and is actually just waiting for her visa to go to her actually mission in Provo, Utah. Hermana Keller was trained by Hermana Spencer and oh man, she is just the sweetest! She reminded me so much of Hermana Spencer, so I of course loved being with her! They are two really fantastic missionaries! I loved their energy and excitement to do absolutely anything. Love them!
Hermana Keller
Then, we had Zone Conference with President and Hermana Pack this week. It was fantastic! The mission seems to be struggling a lot with finding right now, so that's all we talked about. I thought at first it'd be repetitive and such because it's something we talk about so often, but I loved it! I left so uplifted and hoping to find, and actually, we applied what they taught and we were able to find some new investigators! So, one of our new investigators is T , we actually found him working in our area book. He is from Equatorial Guinea. He's pretty cool. We taught  the restoration again, which he'd heard before, but we were able to answer questions he'd had and as we did, he really understood and had a desire to read the Book of Mormon! We're gonna meet again this week. Super excited! Also, Monday was my companion's birthday! She turned 21 and it was super fun. We had district meeting and the elders surprised her when we walked in by shooting off 4 confetti canons haha and tons of balloons. Then we had lunch together to celebrate. Then, the Schwartz, the senior couple, made carrot cake for her and in classic Spanish/Catholic style, we lit a prayer candle... Then, we went to the Gurreas and it was a blast! We played a few games to celebrate... I'll send a video. It's a gem.
So, life here in Alcalá is fantastic! I'm super happy! I'm so glad I'm with Hermana Turina, she's just the sweetest and funniest. Things are good. And I'm thrilled to be able to constantly testify of Christ, especially so close to Easter. Such a blessing. I hope you have a great week! Hermana Griffin

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